Get your ham license

How to get your ham license

Download these license/test questions and answers:


Technician Question with Correct Answers Only by K8TB

- Technician Syllabus with Q&A by AD7FO

 These docs present the questions and only the correct answers.  There is no need to memorize incorrect answers.


Please Note: This question pool expires June 30, 2026

A true study guide:  The No Nonsense Technician Class Study Guide by KB6NU


A very good video class by KB9OKB that follows the older KB6NU study guide. (Has not been updated yet but will cover all the basics.)


Study and take the practice exams often until you are averaging an 80% pass rate or better.

You can also get free apps for your smart phone to help you study and practice:

iPhone—Ham Radio Exam—Tech      Android—Ham Test Prep

Before attending a license test session, you must register with the FCC to get your FCC Registration Number, know as “FRN”.  All license testing sessions require your FRN. Here’s the link to get your own FRN number:  FCC FRN Registration

Scheduling/Registering for a Test Session

1. Reference the updated list of Latest Test Sessions to determine which one you would like to attend.

2. Follow the directions on how to register for your selected test session.

3. Attend with the required identification information and fees (if required).

4. If upgrading, bring your present license class credentials.

5. If you pass your test, your Volunteer Exam Session Manager will instruct you on how to pay the required FCC license registration fee of $35.

Need To Renew Your Current License?

Follow this link to directions on how to renew your current license (free!):

Would You Like To Attend A Remote Test Session?

Visit to register for a remote VE session.

Free Practice Exams:

You’ll first need to register to use the site:

Then look under the “Resources” pull down menu and select Practice Amateur Radio Exams. Be sure you then select the 2022 Technician Exam Practice Test:

Would You Like To Use An Online PAID-FOR License Training Course?

If you don't mind spending a few bucks for online training, these folks have a money back guarantee and are highly recommended:




Note: This club, nor N2QOJ, has any financial connection to HamTestOnline!

What To Do After You Pass Your Exam?

You listen to experienced hams!  Visit this link to check out the best calendar and description of on-air nets in our area:  Net Calendar

You will learn about clubs and nets that are committed to helping new hams, especially this net:

  Maricopa County New Ham Operator’s Net

** New **


Ready To Upgrade?


General Class Study Materials:


Q&A (Correct Only) by K8TB

Syllabus with Q&A by AD7FO


(July 1, 2023 — June 30, 2027)





Amateur Extra Class Study Materials:


Q&A (Correct Only) by N2QOJ

Syllabus with Q&A by AD7FO


(July 1, 2024 — June 30, 2028)




The New Study Guide for Technician Class is Here!!


(July 1, 2022 — June 30, 2026)


“The No Nonsense Technician Class Study Guide” by KB6NU